


    On October 9th, local time, Shanxi Brand Silk Road Tour entered the UK. 29 companies appeared at the WATER, WASTEWATER & ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING( WWEM), a Shanxi-UK trade conference was held, a visit was made to the China-Britain Business Council….. Following the journalist, get to feel the infinite charm of Shanxi province, the birthplace of modern industrial civilization!

    NEWS  山西29家企业亮相伯明翰国际水处理及空净展


  On October 9, local time, WATER, WASTEWATER & ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING( WWEM) opened at the National Exhibition Center Birmingham. 29 enterprises in Shanxi producing activated carbon, filter elements, valves, pumps, etc. participated, using the great opportunity to develop overseas markets.


  WWEM is known to be the largest exhibition in United Kingdom on water industries including water treatment, sewage/wastewater treatment, urban water supply and drainage. It is held for every two years and it is one of the most established trade show in Europe. It provides a rare opportunity for Chinese water treatment enterprises to develop the United Kingdom and European markets.


  NEWS  山西—英国贸易投资推介会在伦敦举办


  On October 10, local time, Shanxi brand takes Road Trip entered London and held the Shanxi-United Kingdom Trade and Investment Promotion Conference to further promote economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Shanxi and United Kingdom in various fields through publicity and promotion, exhibition and matchmaking. During their stay in the United Kingdom, the Shanxi Brand Silk Road Economic and Trade Delegation visited the China-Britain Business Council, and the two sides discussed further strengthening exchanges and cooperation and jointly promoting enterprises to explore the market.

       英国是中国在欧洲第三大贸易伙伴、第二大投资目的地和第三大外资来源地,中国是英国在亚洲最大贸易伙伴。2023年,中英货物和服务贸易总额约1130亿美元,其中服务贸易表现亮眼,英国对中国服务出口超126亿美元,占对华出口总额的三分之一。中英服务贸易互补性强,合作基础好。  推介会上,运城市贸促会、运城市盐湖高新技术产业开发区相关负责人就优势产业及相关情况进行了介绍。伦敦出口贸易集团公司、雷蒙德律师事务所、山西天海泵业有限公司等相关负责人对企业情况和相关项目及产品进行了推介。
      山西素有“华夏文明摇篮”“中国古代建筑艺术博物馆”“中国古代文化艺术宝库”等美誉。山西具有比较雄厚的产业基础优势,拥有门类较齐全、链条较完整、水平较先进的产业体系。煤炭、电力、钢铁、化工、建材、装备制造传统产业优势明显,现代煤化工、光机电、合成生物、新材料、节能环保、金融、现代物流等新兴产业发展迅速。农业特色优势明显,地貌多元、气候多样形成了“特”和“优”,即公用品牌多,特色产品多,产品有机、绿色。  英国是现代工业文明的发源地,药物、电子和光学设备、人造纤维和化工产品等制造业实力雄厚,生物医药、航空等领域也极具创新力和竞争力,金融保险、零售、旅游和商业服务等服务业是英国的支柱产业。



  The chairman said in his speech that Shanxi is famous for its coal resources and is now at the forefront of China's energy transformation. Its industries are constantly developing, including clean coal technology, hydrogen energy and other renewable energy. Shanxi is transforming into a center for new energy and high-end manufacturing, which provides great opportunities to cooperate with British companies.

    省贸促会相关负责人表示,此次贸易投资推介会,就是为了帮助双方企业更好地了解彼此贸易投资优势、政策方向和营商环境,为进一步加深双方企业在经贸领域的合作搭建平台、提供便利。希望我们进一步加强沟通交流,深化务实合作,促进互利互惠,实现共同发展。  推介会后,省贸促会与英国中华总商会就加强双方经贸交流合作签署了合作框架协议。

  The head said that the conference is aimed at helping enterprises on both sides better understand the other's advantages, policy and business environment, building a platform for further deepening the cooperation in the field of economy and trade. It is hoped that they will further communicate, deepen practical cooperation, promote mutual benefit and achieve common development.